Tennessee’s legislators are ruining the permitless carry bill
Leave it to the government to mess things up this bad.
The current “Permitless” carry bill (I’m not calling it constitutional carry because it’s not) is being gutted by our representatives. The latest amendment says that if this bill passes, Shelby, Davidson, Knox, and Hamilton counties will NOT get permitless carry. If you’re saying to yourself, “Hey, I live/work in one of those counties,” congratulations, so does half the Tennessee population. Leave it to our state legislators to EXCLUDE half the population from their 2nd amendment rights. So, to be clear, if this bill passed as is, you’d still need a permit if you live/work/visit any of those 4 counties. The bill would be a way to appease some citizens and say “look what we did!” without actually doing anything.
Yes, we make money on permits but as strong 2nd amendment supporters we still want to see constitutional carry in Tennessee. We’d strongly urge you to contact your representatives in the TN house and senate and tell them to fix this bill.